Great books for Kindergarteners
If I Were A Tree
Zimmerman, Andrea Griffing
Out the Door
Hale, Christy
Swashby and the Sea
Ferry, Beth
The Boring Book
Yoshitake, Shinsuke
Little Red and the Very Hungry Lion
Smith, Alex T.
The Most Fun
MacLachlan, Patricia
Gigi and Ojiji
Iwai, Melissa
Agent Lion
Soman, David
Many Colors of Harpreet Singh
Kelkar, Supriya
100 Things I Know How to Do
Schwartz, Amy
MacLachlan, Patricia
The Big Umbrella
Bates, Amy June
Sneakers, the Seaside Cat
Brown, Margaret Wise
Southwest Sunrise
Grimes, Nikki
Hiking Day
Rockwell, Anne F.
Brett, Jan
Hobbie, Holly
Idle, Molly Schaar
How to Give your Cat A Bath in Five Easy Steps
Winstanley, Nicola
One Hundred Bones
Zommer, Yuval